Scuffle – Brosseau – Brown

A meltdown by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the floor of the House of Commons involved former Kingston resident Ruth Ellen Brosseau and the MP for Leeds Grenville – Gord Brown.

Brosseau is a Quebec NDP MP…Brown is the Conservative whip.

Trudeau elbowed Brosseau in the chest as he was trying to pull Brown through a group of MP’s to get a vote on assisted death legislation underway.

Brosseau says she was so upset she had to leave the house and missed the vote.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May had a ringside seat for these antics and says Trudeau was wrong to try to move the vote along but she says had not seen Brosseau behind him and the elbowing incident was clearly unintentional.

When Brosseau returned to the house – Trudeau apologized.

Bath Lockdown

Bath Institution is under a lockdown. The medium security institution was put under lockdown around 10:30 yesterday morning to allow staff to conduct an exceptional search.

There’s no word on what prompted the lockdown.

Visits have been suspended until the search is completed.

Drug Drop Offs

Police are hoping people will turn in unused prescription drugs this weekend so they can be disposed of safely.

You can drop off unused prescription medication with Kingston Police.  They’ll have a drop off point set up in the parking lot of the Memorial Centre from 11am to 3pm on Saturday.

The OPP also has drop offs scheduled during the same time period at its detachment offices in Napanee, Perth and Quinte West.

Cat Cafe

A Kingston man is planning on opening the city’s first cat cafe.

Scott Fardella says he’s currently looking for a location for the Southpaw cafe.

Fardella came up with the idea after visiting a cat cafe in Chelsea, Quebec.

He’s hoping to have cats from shelters at the cafe so people who want to adopt the animals can see them in a more comfortable environment.

Hip degrees

The Tragically Hip will be attending this afternoon’s convocation ceremony in Grant Hall at Queen’s University.  Rob Baker, Gord Downie, Johnny Fay, Paul Langlois and Gord Sinclair will receive honorary degrees at the ceremony starting at 2:30 this afternoon.

Queen’s is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year and will be giving honorary degrees to 11 people during convocation ceremonies over the next three weeks.  All the recipients are Queen’s alumni.

Summer Weather

If you’re dreaming of summer already…Accuweather says a warmer than normal summer is on the way for southern and eastern Ontario…including Kingston.

Senior Meteorologist Brett Anderson says there will also be lots of severe weather with gusty winds and flooding downpours as hot, steamy air spreads into the region.

Filed under: bath-institution, brosseau, brown, cat-cafe, convocation, grant-hall, summer-weather, tragically-hip, trudeau