
Meet Marry-Anne, a beautiful cutie who came to us as a shy abandoned stray. She would prefer to live in a quiet household, with lots of windows for sun bathing and gazing, loud noises will send her into hiding. We have learned that Marry-Anne would be happy to live with respectful other pets, as she does no enjoy rambunctious play. Although Marry-Anne can be a nervous nelly, with a slow introduction and patience she will warm up fast and isn’t afraid to show you when she is ready for affection. Marry-Anne is also one of our V.I.P’s and is 25% off! If Marry-Anne sound like the perfect match for your home, Apply today!
For more on Marry-Anne click here
If you would like to adopt Marry-Anne or any of the other “Caturday Cats” visit or stop by Kingston Humane Society at 1 Binnington CRT. For more information contact the Kingston Humane Society at 613 546-1291

Filed under: adopt-dont-shop, caturday-cat, kingston-humane-society, urban-paws