Every year, the Award show hosts always do something to make them stand out from the previous years host! This year Jimmy Kimmel did something incredible for some unsuspecting tourists!

Jimmy directed a tour bus to come to the Dolby Theatre in L.A. so that the guests could rub elbows with Hollywood A-listers as the cameras rolled! The guests were so surprised and the man leading the pack is only known as Gary from Chicago!

He pretty much stole the show! He wasn’t shy at all to take picture and meet the A-listers!..

Check it out for yourself!

We all fell in love with Gary from Chicago!..and so did Keith Urban! He was sitting from row with his beautiful wife Nicole Kiddman when Gary from Chicago walked right in front of his…and Keith has the best footage of his reaction meeting all the star!


Seems like Keith Urban was fan-girling on Gary!

~ Ryan

Filed under: gary, keith-urban, oscars