Florida Georgia Line’s upcoming Can’t Say I Ain’t Country has had a lot of rumors surrounding it! What the record would sound like and who will be collaborating on this one! BK and Tyler have been dear friends with Jason Aldean. They three have written #1 Singles together like Jason Aldean’s You Make It Easy‘ ‘Burnin’ It Down‘ and ‘Lights Come On

For the first time, the three of them will sing on a song together called ‘Can’t Hide Red‘ and it will be featured on FGL’s new album!

Jason Aldean mentioned the exchange of text messages:

I’m in touch with those guys a lot. They’ll send me songs for my record if they know we’re going into the studio; they’ll send stuff. This was just one they sent me and asked if I’d want to jump on their record and do it

February 15th Florida Georgia Line Can’t Say I Ain’t Country

~ Ryan

Filed under: Florida Georgia Line, Jason Aldean, new-music