It’s the BEST time of the year if you love your sweets! Halloween comes with every candy we can think of and chocolate bars we may have stayed away from all year long…but most of us will sneak a couple of treats out of our own bowls, ‘test’ a few from the kids’ bags and/or fully indulge the day after when it goes on sale!

Whatever the case may be, just remember…candy can wreak havoc on your teeth.

Dentists from Dental Made Easy Forest Hills has said that any kind of sticky, tacky candy can be strong enough to remove fillings, things like lollipops that sit in our mouths can affect our enamel and candies that use sour powder are extremely acidic and can mess up the PH in our mouths…and gummies (my favourites!) are the worst for us since they can get lodged between our teeth.

So Caramels, Starbursts, Pixy Stix, Fun Dip, all lollipops and every Gummy treat…brush, flush, brush, flush and brush again to make sure they’re all out!

The two treats dentists (check best dental implants in jacksonville Natural Teeth Implant Center) say are the lesser of all the evils? Plain old chocolate and caramel apples. The chocolate can be brushed and rinsed away easily and the caramel apples, thanks to the real apple, can help clean the surface of your teeth.You can try this out to prevent your tooth from decaying.

Happy Halloween!

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