COVID – Ontario – Closures

All non-essential businesses in Ontario have been ordered to close by 11:59 p-m today and stay closed for at least 14 days.  The province has released an extensive list of businesses that are considered essential and that includes grocery stores, pharmacies, beer and liquor stores, pet stores, gas stations, businesses that service vehicles and office supply and repair businesses.

There are many more businesses that will be allowed to stay open.


COVID – Schools

Premier Doug Ford has confirmed school closures that were supposed to end on April 6th will be extended indefinitely.   Ford says Education Minister Stephen Lecce will have more to say in the near future.  But he told reporters during an update on the COVID-19 pandemic that the province is in a state of emergency and an April 6th resumption of classes is not realistic right now.


COVID – Kingston – Numbers

KFL&A Public Health says there are now eight confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the region.

It says the four new cases are self-isolating at home.

The new cases are a man and woman in their 70’s who had travelled from Singapore, a man in his 30’s who had been in the United Kingston and a person in his 40’s who was in contact with another person who has tested positive.


Paterson – Council

Kingston City Council will be deciding some key matters, including finances during this pandemic when it holds Kingston’s first ever virtual council meeting.

Mayor Bryan Paterson says arrangements have been made for the first virtual City Council meeting in Kingston’s history.  You can follow the meeting on Twitter or watch it on Livestream.



COVID – Man Threatens Staff

Kingston Police are looking for a man they say threatened hospital staff at the COVID-19 assessment centre at Hotel Dieu Hospital on Friday evening.  Police say the man was with a young family member and said he had recently come back from a trip to Florida.  Police did not say what threats were made.

The man told staff he owned and operated a heavy equipment company and took off in a newer blue Dodge Ram pickup with shiny rims.


What to Do – Finances

You may be wondering how you are going to pay the bills if you can’t work.

Most of the assistance currently being offered by governments and banks is only for people who have the coronavirus or are caring for someone who has it.

Utilities Kingston is asking people who are concerned about paying bills to contact them to discuss extended bill payment options and financial assistance programs.

The Ontario government is set to announce lower rates for electricity for the next 45 days and will extend the ban on electricity disconnection for households and small businesses to July 31.


Rogers – Donation

Rogers is partnering with Food Banks Canada to make a corporate donation of one million meals.

Company CEO Joe Natale has also announced the company will use the power of 108 media assets to advertise an urgent call for donations.

K-Rock is owned by Rogers.