The days are SOARING by, which is why THIS post is running behind! lol!

I am loving going to the gym, and being back for Week 7 was challenging, wonderful, difficult, awesome, and everything else in between.

I set a couple of personal challenges for myself. I wanted to learn to plank. I want to learn to do push-ups. I want to learn to do burpees. And Tracy – the trainer with the mostest – is ready to make these things happen.

We started with skipping last week. Which I was none-to-great at.

But! I wasn’t deterred. By Tuesday, I was learning to plank!

And for fun, I brought in these fabulous no-bake energy balls to enjoy. (Perfect pre/post workout!)

My incredible, inspiring brother-in-radio, Matt Soper of K-Rock 105.7 saw my planking vid. And offered a new tutorial.

On Wednesday, I took the girls for a swim with me. On Thursday, I worked out from home.


And that meant Friday’s weigh-in was imminent. How was it going to go this week?

It’s tough to hear you haven’t lost anything, right? Even when we tell ourselves not to care about the scale, it doesn’t mean we heed our own advice. And Tracy encouraged me to post something else.


The whole experience feels surreal.

By Saturday, I was ready to see if I could start jogging outdoors.[0]=68.ARD0JdtD5rqSbu3rSk2_z4RkdQZwrY5aiMJpezs-D1J_f8r4TyHfa_UnmxuWa4e0oefH5avabUExpzOGR2XYnGGSotQGWNQgVQAiljxT6c3xK4VafxSEMN2_02zYJR8yeJQtAdRVxtvFGDMW0zon4xfOI7DyGcVpfp-6dD9FId0NsuGA-mR5G3NdEIGSqoDteOyh_17uBBobcBGizG9eAy-Ux54ZnuWiCNXVaex4djgsQ3M26pPtPAU58XzNPKVb-2fV6zIP-g1xwdfxwNgyzw6K9EyIyTkxtqh4q0sUPncCmnLA3vSfHAf1FWElW1c-jd6ENwBdKdBcYlqjnuKDQ2tjNQ&__tn__=-R

And now I’m motivated to see through the next phase of the challenge.

Planks? Push ups? Burpees? Let’s see what else I can inspire myself to try. Maybe a … marathon?!

How about you? Ready to try? Well – here’s your chance!

Right now, you can join our Country Crew and let us know Y you’d like to try the YMCA!


Thank you to Tracy, the Y & everyone who has been so supportive, and encouraging!

Follow my journey at the Care page, Instagram, or Snap Chat at care_finch.

Find out more about the YMCA HERE.

~ Care xo

Filed under: 90 Day Challenge, Fitnes, Health, Wellness, YMCA, YMCA of Kingston