New School Named

The new high school that will replace KCVI and QECVI will be called…Kingston Secondary School.

Trustees with the Limestone District School Board chose the name at their meeting last night.  Kingston Secondary School was chosen from the short list of five names proposed for the school.  The new 38.3 million dollar high school will be home to 11 hundred students.

It will also house the grade 7 and 8 French Immersion School called Module Vanier.  It will keep its name when the new building opens in September of 2019.

Apartment Building – OMB

Kingston City Council has turned thumbs down on a proposed 7 storey apartment building on the east side of the Cataraqui River.

City council voted against the proposal from Homestead Landholdings when it met on Tuesday night.  But the city has no real say in deciding whether the project will be approved.  That’s now up to the Ontario Municipal Board after it agreed with Homestead that it took too long for the city to decide on a zoning change.

Teens Charged

Kingston Police have charged two teenagers after a woman was threatened with bear spray and a youth was told he and his family would be murdered.

Police say the 16 and 19 year olds were arrested Tuesday night after a confrontation at a home on Montreal Street involving another youth.

The 16 year old has been charged with assault with a weapon, possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, and possession of a prohibited weapon without a licence.

The 19 year old has been charged with uttering threats to cause death.

City Hall Tour Guides

The City of Kingston is looking for volunteers to act as tour guides at City Hall.

Cultural Heritage manager Jennifer Campbell says they are looking for people fluent in another language, including French and Chinese, to share the history behind the artifacts, portraits and architecture at the National Historic Site.  Tour guides volunteer from May to October.

Details are available at the city’s website.

Astronaut – Space

A former Kingston resident and Queen’s University graduate has blasted off for the International Space Station with an American and Russian.  Drew Feustel and the two others took off on board a Soyuz rocket in from Kazakhstan yesterday.  Feustel completed his PhD in geological sciences at Queen’s in the 1990s.  His two children were born in Kingston and he became a Canadian citizen while living in Kingston.

It’s Feustel’s third flight into space, and his second to the space station where he will also take over as commander in June.

Students at Queen’s watched the launch yesterday and vice-principal of research John Fisher says Queen’s is very proud of its connections to space research.  Elon Musk – the founder of SpaceX and Tesla spent two years as an undergrad at Queens.

Filed under: apartment-building, astronaut, cataraqui-river, city-hall-tour-guides, drew-feustel, kingston-secondary-school, named, new-school, space, teens-charged