A little while ago Luke Bryan asked his fans to NOT TOUCH his butt during Meet n Greets! Now, asking women to not touch Luke Bryan’s bum is like asking men to not crush on Carrie Underwood…not gunna happen! Luke has even set rules in place!

BUTT (see what I did there HA!) that rule has been tossed out the window for one lucky fan! 88 year old Frances Stanaway, a patient at Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care, got the opportunity to meet Luke Bryan before his Kansas City show!

Frances, who is battling a terminal illness, got to meet Luke thanks to Crossroads Hospice & Palliative Care “Gift of a Day” program. This allows patients do something special for a day!

Looks like there are two women who can touch Luke Bryan’s butt! Hey now, whatever makes Frances happy…right?! ;)

~ Ryan

Filed under: butt, Luke Bryan, Meet and Greet