Power Outage

More than 3,600 households were without electricity this morning north of Kingston.  Hydro One says power was restored in some areas this morning but it expected all areas to have power back on by 10:30 this morning.

Military Officer – Court Martial

A military officer in Kingston has been demoted from captain to lieutenant after pleading guilty in a sexual misconduct case.  A statement from the military says Captain David Christensen pleaded guilty to a charge under the National Defence Act of behaving in a disgraceful manner.  The charge relates to an act of sexual misconduct against a female member of the military that took place in Kingston on June 10th of 2015.

The forces says the demotion is a significant punishment that has consequences on the officer’s career and pay.

Landlords Nightmare

A Kingston landlord says he’s been left with a cleanup bill of 30 thousand dollars or more after tenants kept livestock in his home.

Simon Andrew says the couple and their adult son kept a goat, chickens, other birds and animals in the house he rented them in late 2014 on John F. Scott Road.

Andrew says it took over six months to evict the family and he’s stuck with the cleanup bill.

The mess left behind is unbelievable.  The house was left full of human waste, animal waste and garbage.  Apparently the landlord wasn’t aware of the city bylaw prohibiting people from keeping livestock and the SPCA is now investigating the tenants for animal abuse.

Cyclist – Drug Trafficking

A Kingston man has been charged with drug trafficking after police stopped a cyclist for going through a four way stop.  Police stopped the cyclist at 1:30 Tuesday morning.  He told them his name was Smith but police didn’t by that and eventually determined the man was on probation and was breaking his curfew.  He was searched and police found multiple small bags of cocaine and a small amount of crystal meth.  The 23-year-old man has been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking and breach of probation.

Allstate – Safe Driving

Kingston is ranked 33rd out of 86 communities in Canada for the highest number of motor vehicle collisions.  The Allstate Safe Driving Study says there was a 1.7% increase in collisions over the past year in Kingston.

Spruce Grove Alberta was ranked as the safest place in Canada to drive.

The study found Fridays are the day with the highest number of collision claims in Canada…but accidents involving pedestrians and cyclists are more likely to happen on Wednesdays.


Canada’s legendary rock band Rush is making a major donation to the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research at Sunnybrook.  Rush won the Allan Slaight Humanitarian Spirit Award at Canadian Music Week in April. Part of the award includes $40,000 to be made to the recipient’s charity of choice…and Rush chose the Gord Downie Fund for Brain Cancer Research.



Filed under: allstate, court-martial, cyclist, drug-trafficking, gord-downie-fund-for-brain-cancer-research, landlords-nightmare, military-officer, power-outage, rush, safe-driving, sunnybrook