Back to School

Students are heading back to school today and police are reminding drivers to be extra careful as the new school year begins.  Many children will be walking, riding bikes and taking buses to get to and from school and police are urging motorists to keep an eye out for youngsters on or near roadways.  Drivers are also being reminded not to pass school buses that are stopped on a roadway with their red lights flashing.


Kingston has a brand new elementary school that’s welcoming students today.  Molly Brant Elementary School was built on the property of QECVI.  It replaces First Avenue Public School and Frontenac Public School.

Queen’s – St. Lawrence

It’s frosh week at Queen’s University.

Over 4,000 first year students moved into university residences on Sunday.  Thousands more moved into other accommodation.

This afternoon – Queen’s will try to set the Guinness record for the largest number of people to form a letter.  People will gather on Nixon Field from 2-4 this afternoon to form the letter Q.  Queen’s says the record attempt is a highlight of its 175th anniversary celebrations.  Queen’s is trying to break the current record of 2,166, held by Dell Technologies in Round Rock, Texas.


Students at St. Lawrence College will be taking part in their orientation day today.  There are campus tours, information sessions…a free lunch and activities at Lake Ontario Park.

Former School – Development

The future of a former catholic school in Kingston will be up for discussion at Kingston City Council tonight.

Council will be asked to approve a plan to split the former St. Joseph – St. Mary Catholic School into three parcels of land.

One portion would be for parkland…another for 30 affordable housing units and the third would be sold for market value to a private developer.

The city bought the property at Brock and Napier Streets from the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District for $2.25 million last year.

Labour Day

There was a great turnout for Kingston’s annual Labour Day picnic and parade.  A crowd of about 400 people gathered in McBurney Park yesterday for the event held by the Kingston and District Labour Council.  They marched from the park to city hall and back to the park where Labour Council president Rej Bruneau announced a donation of $3,200 to the United Way of KFL&A.

Kingston Mills Road – Closed

Kingston Mills Road will be closed at the locks starting today.  It will stay closed until mid-May of 2017. Parks Canada will be replacing the fixed bridge and doing restoration work on the swing bridge.

Filed under: back-to-school, closed, development, first-day-of-school, former-school, kingston-mills-road, labour-day, orientation, queens-university, school-buses, St. Lawrence college